Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Grape seed oil has arrived!

Yes, yes, yes! My grape seed oil came in the mail today. I forgot it at my mom's house so she sent it to me. So thank you +Tina Rhodie! Now if I could just get my dryer.... :). Anyway, I have the Bonelli brand. I got it a few months ago from a the grocery store and never (not even once) used it. I couldn't wait to use it as a sealant so I purposely waited until the package came before moisturizing and sealing. My first impression is that it is a very light oil, much like coconut oil, which is great. I loved that it didn't weigh my hair down at all. I'll wait about a week or so to see if my opinion changes but as of right now it will be thrown into rotation.

I washed my hair on Sunday so I got to put my new products to use. I did do the ApHogee protein treatment but nothing seems to have changed (bummer). I made sure to shake it before applying, used a blow dryer until it was hard, and used the balancing conditioner but still had breakage after. WTH!? Perhaps it's because I didn't do an extensive deep conditioning afterwards as I was pressed for time. Or maybe it's because my hair is SO damaged that the one treatment wasn't enough... let's hope it's not that. Either way, I'm still experiencing breakage and shedding so I've been moisturizing and sealing like crazy. 

The Creme of Nature moisturizer and leave in conditioner are great.  They smell really nice, not too strong, so I have been using it in my one year old's hair. Also, I actually blow dried my hair on Sunday, which I never do. Surprisingly my hair was REALLY soft. So that's great.

The JBCO... what can I say? I hate the smell, lol. BUT, I did do the GHE overnight with it and my hair felt lovely. So I've begun my own personal challenge. I started massaging it into my scalp daily to see what kind of progress I make. I'm particularly interested in a small section in the back that seems to be so much thinner that the other side. I guess I'll give it 8-12 weeks and see where we stand. I will also be applying a small amount of JBCO to Imani's (the one yr old) hair. She had a head full when she was born but it decided to come out and is now, FINALLY, growing back. I'll post a starting picture of her hair in another post. You can see her scalp so it shouldn't be hard to tell if there is progress :). 

One last thing! I started a new blog today. I am officially a stay at home mom, totally new to me. So it will be all about my adventures (and misadventures) as a new SAHM. You can check that out here. Anddd that's all she wrote... Literally lol. Good night!

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