Thursday, November 7, 2013

JBCO Challenge

As I mentioned before, I'm embarking on a JBCO challenge. Mainly because I want to see if it will aid in growing my hair back and also to see if the thinner side (left side) will thicken up again. I've been applying it nightly since 11/01/13, so I'll say in about twelve weeks we'll see if there's any difference. I'll also be applying the oil to my daughter Imani's hair. She had a head full when she was born but it came out... almost all of it. Now it is growing back nicely and since I can still see her scalp I figured her growth would be easy to track. I'll only be using the JBCO in her hair 3x a week. So here is her starting pic, taken on Halloween.

This was taken at Kaylin's Fall harvest party, she enjoyed herself. You can't tell from this picture but the top and sides of her hair are about an inch long. My main goal for her is not really length, but thickness. I just want to see if it will fill back in. 

So our start date was November 1st, which will make twelve weeks from now January 24, 2014. I'll also be relaxing my hair on that date, which will be 13 weeks post. Or maybe I should say I'm planning to stretch to that date. Hopefully I make it! 

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