Monday, December 30, 2013

Tropic Isle Living Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Well hello :). I was out doing some running around today and I just happened to be across the street from my favorite beauty supply store. I was trying to stay away but my mom asked me to get her some JBCO so I had an excuse. I have been telling her about my.progress with it so she wants to try it out. They didn't have the brand I have but I was glad because they had the Tropic Isle Living brand. The first day I used my JBCO I went on youtube and the only brand that popped up was this one. That sucked for me because I was not.about to spend another $10 on the same thing with a different name. That was in November. I guess today was my lucky day because the BSS had it for $5.99. So I got one for mom and one for me. The first thing I noticed is that it doesnt have salt which is great. Then I smelled it and was surprised that this brand basically has no smell. That's a huge plus for me because I am tired of my husband telling me I stink after I oil my scalp. The only negative is that it does not come in an applicator bottle. No worries though, my original bottle is an applicator so I will be using that. Actually, I'm tempted to dump that bottle and use my new one (only because of the smell issues). We'll see what happens.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Patra Braids: Update


Soooo after three weeks I got my edges touched up. As you can see in the first picture, they were looking really bad with all the new growth. The middle section is growing fast too, but at least I can cover those up. In all my years of wearing braids, my hair has never grown this fast. Ever. But at the same time, I was one of those people who put braids in and left it alone for two months. In fact, the only thing I did do was wash them back then. I never even knew about moisturizing and sealing until 2011. Thankfully, I know better now.

What have I been doing to my hair? I've been applying JBCO every night faithfully. I started doing this on November 1st and basically continued it while I have my braids. I've also been spraying my hair with my leave in conditioner (water based) for moisture and sealing with coconut oil nightly. I'd have to say that my personal JBCO challenge is going well because that is the only thing I've been doing differently and my hair is growing faster than usual. I'd also like to throw in there that I've washed my hair once so far. Like I mentioned before, I won't be washing weekly. And now that I've done it I know for a fact that I'll only be washing when necessary because these things are 10x as heavy when wet and they take forever to dry.

How long will I keep these in? This set of braids will be staying put until February 1, 2014. After removing them, I'll wear my hair out for a week so it can breathe and then I'll be going to get them redone (keeping until April). Also, I will NOT be touching up my edges again with this set. I really only did it because I am going away for a week and I couldn't go looking crazy. Plus, my widow's peak popped out and I HATE that thing! Anyway, I don't want to put too much strain on my edges so they will be left alone for the next five weeks.

Overall, I really like these braids. They give me the ability to wear a bun again and everyone knows I love a good bun. I don't like micros so I'm pretty sure this will be my go to protective style during the colder months.

By the way, Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great one and spent it among family and friends. Good night!

Saturday, December 7, 2013


As you all know, I've been trying to find pure coconut oil everywhere. I went to three different beauty supply stores and NONE of them had it (the struggle). Well today was my lucky day. I was in Walmart picking up a few groceries and I just happened to go down the aisle with the oils. I started off looking for some olive oil and then I saw the coconut oil. It was staring at me, waiting for me to pick it up lol. So here it is!

The best part about it is that it's scented and I love it. The oil I used to get from the beauty supply store wasn't. It was a decent price. I got a 14oz jar for $7.66, but it didn't really matter. As long as I've been looking for this stuff, who knows what I would have been willing to pay. Anyway, now that I have this precious gem back in my life, I'll be using it to seal my hair. It's my favorite oil to seal with because it's so light and just melts right into the hair. That's all for now, just had to share the great news :P. Good night!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Patra Braids!

Here they are :). I got these done on Sunday and it only took about six hours in total. After they were done I dipped them in boiling hot water to seal the ends. I chose to dip them as opposed to burning them because I think they look more natural this way. Also, we only used eight of the ten packs of hair I bought. I love them! As you can see, they're pretty long which means they're heavy. Like... really heavy lol. It feels like my head moves first then the hair follows. At night I put it in a high bun and tie it up with my silk scarf. I will say that sleeping comfortably with these things is a real task. Hopefully it wont be so bad once I've adjusted to them.
As far as caring for my hair goes, it will be very simple. I'll wash every two weeks, oil my scalp with JBCO nightly, and for now I'll be spraying the length of MY hair with leave in conditioner. I don't have a braid spray yet so this will have to do.
I'm planning to keep these in until February 1st. Then I'll decide if I want to do a relaxer or not. Right now I'm thinking that I will take them out, let my hair breathe for a week, and have them redone. If I go that route, I'll be taking the second set out in April.  The main reason I'm leaning more towards that option is because that will take my relaxer stretch to 24/25 weeks. That would definitely benefit me in this second hair journey. Besides, it will still be the cold winter months and our hair needs as much protection as possible.
My main focus during these months is to continue caring for the hair underneath the braids. Too many people think they can get extensions or weaves and not touch their hair at all. I've even seen people keep box braids in for almost four months without washing at all. Then they wonder why their hair is the same length or shorter than it was when they put the braids in. I'm not about that life! I'll be doing all I can to retain a decent amount of length. With that being said, I'm gone :).