Thursday, July 16, 2015

Product Review: Organix Coconut Milk shampoo and conditioner

Hey! I just wanted to come and do a quick product review. I've heard so many people rave about this shampoo and conditioner so I decided to try it. Well.... My hair hates it. It leaves me feeling dry , tangled, and not conditioned at all. The only reason I continued to use it is because I paid $18 for the two of them. However, I just can't take it anymore. As of my next wash day (either tomorrow or Saturday) I will be switching back to my favorite; suave almond and Shea butter. Apparently my hair appreciates the cheap stuff. I was also leaning back towards Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. My hair  responded very well to that line also. We'll see. All I know is that there will be no more Organix in my future!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Relaxer Day

Hey! So today I went and got a relaxer at 18 weeks post. The top left picture was taken at the beginning of this week after washing my hair. This is when I realized that I needed a trim. The top right was taken today after my relaxer and the bottom two were taken after my trim. Overall I'm very pleased with how my hair came out. I went to a Dominican salon and completely expected the stylist to be scissor happy, which she was not. So I may have lost a small amount, but my hair looks so much healthier. Not to mention the body and motion it has now. Also, this is the length I'm at two years after getting my pixie cut. I would have liked it to be longer but of course I've done trims over the past two years. I'm not complaining! My next goal is going to be APL. No more ponytails every day for me. I'm getting back to the TLC I know my hair needs. So happy growing to us all!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I'm back! Hair update

Hey! It's been forever since I posted. Almost a year! I've been busy working, moving into a new house, pretty much just living life. So I just wanted to pop in and do a quick update. My hair has definitely grown a lot. BUT... Because I've been working so many hours (hospital job) I've been just throwing my hair into a ponytail. After I washed my hair a couple of days ago I noticed that one side has been breaking off. I'm going to get a relaxer on Friday at 18 weeks post. I'm going to a salon this time, only because I really need a good trim to even it all out. That really sucks, because I just made it to two years after my pixie cut and here I am having to cut my hair again. All I can say is lesson learned! I'll have to start doing my hair the way I used to. I'll be back on Friday after my relaxer to post a picture before and after the trim. I also have a few product reviews coming up so be on the look out!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wash Day!

Hey there! I got around to washing my hair  today, although a few days late. I felt like my hair needed a protein treatment so I gave it one. Nothing major. I just whipped up an egg and let it sit in my hair for about twenty minutes. Then I rinsed it out with cool water (didn't want scrambled eggs in my hair) and proceeded to wash it. I used my normal products, herbal essences shampoo and suave conditioner. After deep conditioning, I roller set my hair and sat under the dryer for forty minutes. Once my hair was dry, I took out the rollers, applied some coconut oil, and wrapped it. This week, instead of flat ironing it I decided to try the Saran Wrap method. Let's just say that was a fail. Not an epic fail, but still a fail. So right now my hair looks like it normally does. I may or may not decide to flat iron it. We'll see how the week goes!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Major Problem Area

Hey! So today I figured I would put my hair in a bun since it is a protective style. I kept some hair from when my hair was braided and made a ponytail out of it. After I was done I decided to take a picture to make sure everything was in place. This is what I found... 

I have a huge patch of hair missing! This is a major problem for me. And the worst part is that I can't be mad at anyone but myself. When I had cornrows a couple of weeks ago I knew they were too tight and I should have taken them out. Instead, since it was a protective style, I kept them in for two weeks. Clearly they did more harm than good. 

So now I have to take extra special care of my nape and hope that it grows back nicely. I'll be doing lots of scalp massages with JBCO in that area. We'll see how it goes!

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Importance of trimming.

Current Wrap

Last night, I was wrapping my hair for bed and it made me think about the state my hair was in prior to going natural. There were times when I would wrap my hair and no matter how much i brushed it, the ends just would not lay down. I would brush like crazy then quickly tie it up before they jumped out of place again. In the morning the hairs would be laying in place, but was it smooth? Definitely not. 

These were the days before I knew (or cared) about split ends. And don't even bother asking me to get a trim! All I knew was that my hair was a decent length and I wasn't cutting it. Shame on me. In this case, ignorance was not bliss. 

I, like many people, didn't understand the importance of trimming my ends.  My hair was the same length for what seems like forever but I didn't think anything of it. Now, I hear people say "Why won't my hair grow?", and my answer to that is this. Your hair is growing every day. If it was not, there would be no new growth to relax. The problem is that the hair is breaking off at the same rate it's growing so you can't see the progress. The solution would be to take care of your ends. Regular trims can make all the difference in the world. Couple that with moisturizing and sealing, some protective styling, and you'll be just fine! Until next time...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Update on Imani's Hair

Hey! Back in November, I mentioned that myself and my one year old daughter would begin using JBCO. It has definitely made a change in both of our hair. 

At the time you could look right at Imani's scalp without even touching her hair. This is what it looks like now. 

I don't have any direct top shots, but you can clearly see that her hair has thickened up. You can't see the length of it because of shrinkage, but it's gotten longer as well. 

I don't really use the JBCO as much for her hair but I do moisturize and seal it every day. That seems to work for her. So that's about it, I just wanted to give a quick update... Eight months later lol. Until next time!